
Project design is a crucial stage in the implementation of an object. Considering that this stage is one of the first phases of the project's implementation, it is important to lay down optimal solutions for the efficient use of the construction budget. Proper execution of the project allows for the avoidance of costly mistakes during construction. The project solutions must meet the client's technical requirements as well as the current construction codes and standards of the Republic of Moldova.

Our team of specialists is ready to help you develop the technical requirements for the design and subsequently carry out a project that will meet all necessary conditions and requirements.


1. Preliminary investigation. At this stage, the site is inspected, all the characteristics of the area are analyzed, and potential natural or man-made difficulties that need to be considered at the earliest stage are identified. Some provisions of urban planning norms and rules that will help determine the possibilities for project development can already be taken into account at this stage.

2. Conceptual design. The second stage involves the conceptual sketching of the object, allowing the visualization of the main ideas and concepts of the building.

3. Development of technical requirements. Based on the data obtained in the first two stages, the technical requirements are formed. These reflect the complete list of requirements for the implementation of the future object: from functionality to operational characteristics. Well-crafted technical requirements are the foundation of successful project implementation.

4. Detailed design documentation. The most labor-intensive stage is the development of detailed design documentation. This stage involves detailing the previously adopted general concepts: from architectural solutions to engineering communications. Load calculations, material, and equipment selection are carried out at this stage.

5. Agreements and expertise. The completed working project can be used to obtain a construction permit only after passing the mandatory expertise (verification) and obtaining the necessary approvals from relevant authorities. This is required to confirm that the developed project complies with all regulatory acts and safety standards.

6. Author supervision. This stage lasts throughout the construction period and involves control by the architect and engineer to ensure that the construction complies with the adopted project solutions.

  • Design of industrial facilities
  • Design of storage facilities
  • Design of agricultural structures
  • Design of public buildings
  • Design of engineering structures


Contact us - we are ready to use our professionalism to implement your project within the optimal budget